Vietnam’s 2025 Enterprise Investigation: Key Targets and Timeline

Posted by Written by Vu Nguyen Hanh Reading Time: 3 minutes

Vietnam’s General Statistics Office (GSO) will conduct a nationwide enterprise investigation via online survey in 2025. The survey will cover all firms engaged in production and business activities across various industries under the Vietnamese economic system, with the exception of three specific sectors.

On August 05, 2024, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) issued Decision No. 1706/QD-BKHDT on the Plan for Enterprise Investigations in 2025 (hereinafter “Decision 1706).

Goals of the 2025 Enterprise Investigation

The 2025 Enterprise Investigation aims to gather specific information from businesses, cooperatives, and cooperative unions for various purposes, including:

  • Management, operation, and assessment;
  • Forecasting the socio-economic situation;
  • Policy making;
  • Development planning for the national and local economies;
  • Calculating the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) for 2024, and other statistical indicators of the National Accounts System and economic sectors;
  • Compiling the 2025 White Book of Enterprises and the 2025 White Book of Cooperatives;
  • Synthesizing indicators for the agricultural, forestry, and fishery sectors from enterprises involved in these productions as part of the 2025 Rural and Agricultural Census;
  • Updating the database as a sample frame for statistical surveys on enterprises; and
  • Addressing other information needs of users.

Targeted sectors for the Enterprise Investigation

The 2025 Enterprise Investigation will be conducted across all 63 provinces and centrally-run cities. It will target businesses operating in nearly all sectors defined by the Vietnam Standard Industrial Classification, as outlined in Decision No. 27/2018/QD-TTg, dated July 6, 2018.

However, three sectors are excluded from this investigation:

  • Sector O: Activities of the Communist Party, political-social organizations, state management, national security and defense, and mandatory social security;
  • Sector U: Activities of international organizations and agencies; and
  • Sector T: Activities of households employing domestic staff, and producing goods and services for self-consumption.

Survey units include:

  1. Corporations, general companies, enterprises, and cooperatives (hereinafter referred to as enterprises), as well as independent accounting branches under enterprises.
  2. Enterprises that meet the following criteria:
    • Entities with their own name, assets, and transaction office, established or registered under the provisions of the Enterprise Law, the Law on Cooperatives/Unions of Cooperatives.
    • People’s credit funds operating under the Law on Cooperatives.
    • Enterprises established under and subject to specialized laws such as the Law on Insurance and the Law on Securities.
  3. Independent accounting branches directly under an enterprise that:
    • Are responsible for performing all or part of the functions of the enterprise, including the function of authorized representation.
    • Have their own tax code (13-digit tax code), seal, bank account, and accounting apparatus.
    • Use invoices and report on invoice usage at the branch.
    • Directly declare taxes at the branch.
    • Independently prepare and submit financial reports at the branch.
  4. 64 groups, general companies, and enterprises conducting accounting activities for their entire industry, including three groups and general companies under the management of the Ministry of National Defense. The list for these survey units is incorporated in Decision 1706.

Timeline of investigation

The timeline for conducting the 2025 Enterprise Investigations is as follows:

  • Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City: April 1, 2025, to July 31, 2025
  • Provinces and cities with 5,000 or more enterprises: April 1, 2025, to June 30, 2025
  • Remaining provinces and cities: April 1, 2025, to May 31, 2025
  • Corporations and general companies: June 1, 2025, to July 15, 2025


The 2025 Enterprise Investigation will use an indirect survey method, collecting information online through electronic Webform questionnaires.

Survey units will provide information via the GSO’s online enterprise investigation portal. Access to the system will require authentication using the enterprises’ names and codes (passwords) to fill out the survey.

Decision 1706 outlines 35 specific survey forms for the investigation, applicable to enterprises, corporations, general companies, and independent accounting enterprises/branches.

The 2025 Enterprise Investigation will gather the following information:

Identification information:

  • Identifying details of the survey unit;
  • Production sector;
  • Business activity;
  • Type of enterprise; and
  • Subsidiaries of the enterprise.

Information on labor and employee income:

  • Number of employees; and
  • Employees’ income.

Information on business production results and costs:

  • Business activity results;
  • Production costs;
  • Investment capital;
  • Production volume of products;
  • Energy consumption; and
  • Specialized statistical indicators in the National Statistical Indicator System classified by the Vietnamese Economic Sector System and the Vietnamese Product Sector System.

Information on agricultural, forestry, and fishery production required under the 2025 Rural, Agricultural Census:

  • Number of production units;
  • Number of employees;
  • Production scale, production capacity;
  • Application of scientific and technical advancements in production;
  • Application of digital economy; and
  • Status of agricultural land use.

Other information on:

  • The industrial products of enterprises and their subsidiaries;
  • Enterprises’ export and import service activities; and
  • Transportation costs and insurance costs of imported goods.


The process of gathering information for the 2025 Enterprise Investigation will take place from April 1 to July 31, 2025.

Given the large scale of this nationwide investigation, encompassing numerous sectors and a significant volume of information, businesses must intensify their preparations to meet the specified timelines. Close attention should be paid to the detailed list of survey forms and required information as outlined in Decision 1706.

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