Vietnam Briefing News

Vietnam’s Governance, Admin Reforms Improve: Provincial Competitive Index 2021


Vietnam Briefing highlights key features of the Provincial Competitive Index 2021 including improved governance and admin reforms.

Vietnam Strives for Full Public Investment Disbursement for 2022-2023


Vietnam is aiming for full public investment disbursement for 2022 and 2023 to speed up economic growth from past pandemic effects.

Vietnam’s Shipping Industry: Proposed Upgrade to Regional Container Fleet


Vietnam Briefing highlights a proposal to upgrade its regional container shipping fleet underlining the industry’s role in alleviating supply chain issues and high freight rates.

What is Vietnam’s Mining Capacity for EV Batteries?


Vietnam is set to become a hub for lithium-ion battery production given the country’s nickel reserves and global demand for electric vehicles.

How to Source Industrial Suppliers in Vietnam?


Vietnam Briefing guides investors on how to approach industrial suppliers in Vietnam that are qualified to manufacture the required products or components.

Vietnam’s Power Development Plan Draft Incorporates Renewables, Reduces Coal


Vietnam Briefing discusses the draft of the Power Development Plan which incorporates more renewable energy and reduces dependency on coal.

How Vietnam’s Social Commerce Industry is Powering E-Commerce


Vietnam Briefing looks at the rapidly growing social commerce industry in Vietnam making up half of the e-commerce sector.

Vietnam’s Machinery and Equipment Industry: Trends, Key Players, Market Entry Options


Vietnam Briefing highlights the machinery and equipment industry in Vietnam including key trends, players, and market entry options.

Vietnam-India Strengthen Partnership, Trade on Sidelines of Parliament Speaker Visit


Vietnam Briefing overviews the India-Vietnam bilateral relationship on the sidelines of a visit by the Speaker of the Lower House of India’s Parliament.

Vietnam’s Economy in Q1 Expands, but Supply Chain, Inflation Pose Challenges


Vietnam’s economy grew in Q1 as factories resumed production. However, external headwinds like supply chain disruption, labor shortages, and inflation pose challenges.

Showing 10 of 2496 articles
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Related reading
  • Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2022
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