Vietnam Briefing News

Vietnam’s National Energy Master Plan: Key Takeaways


The Vietnamese government has approved the National Energy Master Plan (NEMP) for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050. Here are the key takeaways.

The Chief Accountant in Vietnam: Legal Mandate and Hiring Considerations for Foreign Investors


In Vietnam, a firm’s chief accountant holds significant importance in managing a firm’s finances and is a statutory requirement. Here’s what foreign firms should know about this crucial position.

Iran Chamber of Commerce to Host Iran-Vietnam Business Forum on August 9


The Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines, and Agriculture (ICCIMA) is set to host the Iran-Vietnam Business Forum at its headquarters in Tehran on Wednesday.

Vietnam News in Brief: Weekly Roundup August 4


TikTok becomes number two e-commerce site, S&P’s PMI is up slightly in July over June, and the latest developments in the Peppa Pig-Wolfoo IP dispute, in this weeks Vietnam News in Brief.

Vietnam-Brunei Committed to Increasing Two-Way Trade


The Vietnamese PM and the Ambassador of Brunei met last month to discuss trade. With this in mind, we thought we’d take a look at how trade between these two countries is shaping up.

AI in Vietnam: Opportunities and Challenges for Foreign Investors


AI has become very popular in Vietnam. However, as foreign firms seek to capitalize on this trend, they should be mindful of certain challenges.

Making and Selling Confectionery in Vietnam


The confectionery industry in Vietnam is booming in more ways than one. Whereas there is ample opportunity to manufacture confectionery in Vietnam to export to the world, Vietnam also has a fondness for sweet treats and a big consumer base.

Common Transfer Pricing Issues and How to Rectify Them


Vietnam’s tax authorities have identified several transfer pricing (TP) and tax evasion issues over the years. Here’s what firms should be aware of to ensure they are compliant.

Vietnam News in Brief: Weekly Roundup July 28


Australian and Vietnamese mining firms ink rare-earth extraction agreement, cross-border services net tax authorities US$166 million, and Israel and Vietnam sign a free trade agreement, in this week’s Vietnam News in Brief.

Medical Tourism in Vietnam: Opportunities and Challenges for Foreign Stakeholders


Vietnam’s healthcare sector is rapidly growing, presenting investment opportunities for businesses interested in medical tourism. Here’s how.

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  • Getting Your Goods to Market in Vietnam
  • Investing in Vietnam’s Startup Sector
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