Vietnam Moves to Tighten Legislation on Video Game Industry: Insights for Foreign Investors
Vietnam’s MIC initiates a legislative update to enhance video game service regulations. Here’s what’s changing and how foreign firms can prepare.
Outcomes for Vietnam from Biden’s Visit to Hanoi
The US President was in Hanoi on Sunday and Monday to discuss upgrading US-Vietnam relations. Here are the key outcomes for Vietnam.
US President to Visit Vietnam September 10
It has been announced that U.S. President Joe Biden will be in Vietnam on Sunday to discuss upgrading ties with the rapidly developing Southeast Asian nation. In the lead-up to the visit, Vietnam Briefing discusses how U.S.-Vietnam trade relations are shaping up.
Guidelines for Calculating Carbon Footprint for Businesses in Vietnam
Vietnam has clear guidelines for businesses to effectively calculate and report the carbon footprint of their products. Here’s what foreign firms should know.
Hanoi Investment Profile: Key Performance Metrics
Vietnam Briefing looks at how Hanoi’s positive FDI attraction, talent, and infrastructure contribute to its strong business environment.
Vietnam’s Data Center Economy: Sector Insights and Key Regulations
Vietnam’s data center economy is poised for substantial growth and projected to reach US$1.03 billion by 2028. We discuss key growth drivers, regulations impacting the sector, and prospects for foreign stakeholders.
Tax, Accounting, and Audit in Vietnam 2023 – the Latest Guide from Dezan Shira & Associates
This edition of Tax, Accounting, and Audit Guide for 2023, produced in collaboration with our tax experts at Dezan Shira & Associates, aims to provide an overview of taxes for businesses and individuals in Vietnam, as well as fundamental accounting and audit information in the Vietnamese business context.
Vietnam EV Industry: Understanding the B2B Opportunity for Foreign Firms
As the nascent Vietnam electric vehicle (EV) industry enters a boom phase, plenty of business-to-business (B2B) opportunities exist for foreign firms. We discuss what it means to have a first-mover advantage in this market.
Vietnam’s Data Market: Overview, Regulations, and Current Competition
Vietnam’s data market is heating up. Here what it looks like and where it’s headed.
Vietnam’s Export Rebound: Is This the Beginning of a New Growth Cycle?
Vietnam’s exports are poised to rebound on the back of reduced inventories and increased foreign direct investment among other things, write Marco Forster and Alberto Vettoretti.