Tax & Accounting

Transfer Pricing in Vietnam – An Overview


Foreign businesses need to be aware of new transfer pricing regulations, compliance issues, and tax obligations vital for operating or investing in Vietnam.

Tax Audit in Vietnam: How to Prepare


As the end of year approaches, Vietnam Briefing discusses how businesses can prepare for a tax audit including key focus areas by tax authorities.

Q&A: How BEPS 2.0 is Reshaping the Global Tax Landscape for Multinational Enterprises in Asia


In this Q&A with Thang Vu, Associate Manager, Tax at Dezan Shira & Associates, we look at the impact of BEPS 2.0 in Vietnam as well as major tax developments.

Vietnam Issues Tax Breaks for Businesses, Individuals Affected by Pandemic: Resolution 406


Vietnam issued Resolution 406 to help businesses and individuals affected by the pandemic including a 30 percent corporate income tax cut.

Implementing Guidelines on E-commerce and Digital Businesses: Circular 80


Vietnam issued Circular 80 on implementing the law on tax administration. We focus and highlight e-commerce and digital businesses affected by Circular 80.

Vietnam Issues Decision 29 on Special Investment Incentives


Vietnam issued Decree 29 on special investment incentives for investment projects involving corporate income tax, land and water surface reductions.

The Global Minimum Tax and Potential Implications for Vietnam


Vietnam Briefing highlights the recent landmark deal on the global minimum corporate tax rate by the OECD and potential implications for Vietnam.

A Guide to Export Processing Enterprises in Vietnam


Export Processing Enterprises located in EPZs benefit from significant tax exemptions. Vietnam Briefing highlights the preferential policies for investors.

Vietnam Cuts Land Rent for Those Affected by COVID-19


To aid with economic recovery and for those affected by the pandemic, Vietnam issued Decision 27 on cutting land rent by 30 percent.

Advance Pricing Agreements in Vietnam: Circular 45


Vietnam’s Circular 45 sets new rules on the Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) mechanism in Vietnam. Circular 45 came into effect on August 3, 2021.

Showing 10 of 307 articles
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Related reading
  • Tax, Accounting, and Audit in Vietnam 2021
  • Relocating Your Production to Vietnam
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