Tax & Accounting

New Issue of Asia Briefing: An Introduction to Tax Treaties Throughout Asia


In this issue of Asia Briefing Magazine, we look at the various types of trade and tax treaties that exist between Asian nations. These include bilateral investment treaties – which are somewhat unfashionable, yet still the major focal point of bilateral trade between many smaller emerging nations – and also the meatier double tax treaties and free trade agreements that directly affect businesses operating in Asia.

Vietnam Issues Changes to Import Price Database


Jul. 4 – The Vietnamese General Department of Customs recently issued “Official Letter No. 3286/TCHQ-TXNK (hereinafter referred to as ‘Letter’)” on June 14, 2013, to announce changes to the country’s import price database on various goods. Specifically, the Letter adds 24 new categories to the list of items that are subject to import duties. The Letter […]

Vietnam Lowers CIT Rates


Jun. 27 – Vietnamese lawmakers amended Vietnam’s corporate income tax (CIT) rate last week by reducing it to 22 percent across all industries starting January 1, 2014.  It will then further be reduced to 20 percent on January 1, 2016. Previously it was proposed that the CIT rate would only be reduced to 23 percent. “A wide […]

Vietnam Issues New VAT Regulations


The Ministry of Finance has issued Circular 65 which will amend certain articles of Circular 06 relating to value-added tax (VAT). It will seek to provide greater insight and guidance to various areas related to VAT that were once unclear, including updating key VAT rates.

Vietnam Delays Debt Classification Rules


May 29 – In order to give banks across Vietnam a greater period of time with which to handle their debts, a major issue in the Vietnamese economy at the moment, Vietnam’s central bank has announced that it will delay rules on the classification of bad debt and the requirements for provisions to deal with […]

Vietnam to Create National Asset Management Company


May. 2 -The Vietnamese government is set to approve a decree that will officially establish a national asset management company to help with the resolution of bad debts in the country. The company has already received the Politburo’s in-principle approval. The central bank has submitted its detailed plans for the company, which will be called […]

Tax Update: Vietnam Gov’t Approves Amendments to CIT Law


In an effort to boost investment in Vietnamese businesses and to support struggling enterprises, Vietnamese lawmakers have approved the Government’s proposal to reduce the current general corporate income tax (CIT) rate from 25 percent to 23 percent.

Vietnam Central Bank to Inject Capital Into Banking System


Mar. 18 – The Central Bank of Vietnam plans to infuse an additional VND30 trillion into Vietnam’s banking system in order to make further soft loans available for home-buyers. This move hopes to revive the struggling property market and resolve bad debt. The central bank issued a circular late last week in which it clarified that banks will be […]

Vietnam Government Encourages Supporting Industries


By Nguyen Huyen My Mar. 7 – In 2010 and 2011, the Vietnamese Government issued a number of policies to encourage supporting industries, especially those connected to the high-tech sectors (Prime Minister’s Decision No 12/2011/QD-TTg). Supporting industries play a key role in promoting the development of Vietnam’s main industries. Furthermore, the potential to develop Vietnam’s […]

Inflationary Pressure Continues to Build in Vietnam


Feb. 14 – Data from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam has shown that inflation has accelerated from 6.81 percent in December up to 7.07 percent in January, while consumer prices gained 1.25 percent in January (the sharpest monthly gain in four months). Furthermore, the price of health care and pharmaceuticals surged 55.6 percent, education […]

Showing 10 of 307 articles
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