Tax & Accounting

Vietnamese CIT: How to Unlock Your Investment’s True Potential


Corporate Income Taxation (CIT) is a constant for companies of all sizes, regardless of their jurisdiction. With this in the mind, the following article outlines the manner in which corporate taxation is currently applied within Vietnam. We outline applicable rates, highlight possible deductions, and give insight on the manner in which income is calculated.

Vietnam to Give Certain Automobiles a Special Consumption Tax Rebate


Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance has announced that certain automobiles, depending on their engine displacement values, will receive a special consumption tax (SCT) rebate beginning July 1, 2016. However, other cars will see a higher tax compared to their current levels.

Electronic Tax Transactions Ease Vietnam’s Tax Declaration Process


To simplify the tax payment process, the Ministry of Finance has issued Circular No. 110/2015/TT-BTC to guide the implementation of electronic transaction in tax administration.

Personal Income Tax Changes Come into Effect


Ministry of Finance guidelines on personal income tax (PIT) in Circular No. 92/2015/TT-BTC came into effect on 30 July, 2015, applying to the 2015 tax period.

Vietnam Amends Corporate Income Tax


Last month, Vietnam released Circular 96/2015/TT-BTC, the new Circular lays out the updated regulations relating to the country’s corporate income tax (CIT). The revised rules will become effective on August 6th and will be applied to the 2015 tax year of assessment and the subsequent years following.

Circular Brings Vietnamese Accounting Closer to IFRS


Circular No. 200/2014/TT-BTC provides guidelines on accounting policies for both local and foreign enterprises in Vietnam for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2015.

What Does the Eurasian Economic Union-Vietnam FTA Mean for Your Business?


Maria Kotova, Senior Associate at Dezan Shira & Associates, reviews the Eurasian Economic Union-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and how it may affect your business.

Vietnam to Raise its Tax on Natural Resources


Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance (MoF) has announced that it is currently seeking approval to raise taxes on the country’s key natural resources. The tax raises are intended to act as a tool to increase government revenues and tighten the management of resource mining.

Vietnam to Increase Special Consumption Tax on Imported Cars


As Vietnam continues to attempt to build up its domestic auto industry, the Ministry of Finance has announced that it has drafted a plan to increase the special consumption tax (SCT) on imported cars by changing the basis on which the tax is calculated. The Vietnamese government has been concerned that the current method of SCT calculation has resulted in a competitive advantage for importers – the new method seeks to correct this imbalance.

ASEAN Rules of Origin To Be Key In China – Vietnam Trade


Chinese customs are likely to request certification in accordance with your product’s Rules of Origin. In this op-ed, Chris Devonshire Ellis explains its importance.

Showing 10 of 307 articles
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