Legal & Regulatory

Campaign to Simplify Administrative Procedures in Implementation Stage


Jul. 27 –  The government campaign to simplify 258 priority administrative procedures is now in its implementation phase after being adopted last month. The Advisory Council for Administrative Procedure Reform Secretariat is currently collecting feedback on the simplification plans. The campaign is under resolution number 25 that follows the principle “one document amends all” with […]

Vietnam Sets Rules for Foreign Investment in Science and Technology Industry


Jul. 22 – A new decree will now require science, technology, research and training cooperation deals involving foreign investors to have a written agreement or memorandum of understanding. Decree No 80/2010/ND-CP, issued on July 14, says that authorities must be informed when an agreement takes effect within 15 days from the date of execution.

New Commercial Arbitration Law to Help Resolve Disputes Faster


Jul. 21 – Vietnam’s new Commercial Arbitration Law, set to take effect from January 1, 2011, is expected to help local and foreign businesses resolve disputes quicker outside of the court of law. The new law was approved on June 17, 2010 by the National Assembly and will provide an important legal foundation for businesses […]

Trade Restrictions to Hit Exporters


Jul. 20 – Vietnamese exporters may face tougher restrictions this year as countries employ trade remedies to address anti-dumping and countervailing issues on items produced by importing countries according to trade experts. Vietnam’s top export goods like garments, steel, woodwork and handicrafts are at risk when stricter import regulations are imposed. “In addition to remedies […]

Vietnam Expands E-Customs Services to 12 Offices


Jul. 14 – The General Department of Customs will offer its e-customs services to 12 more offices as a way of encouraging companies to use the service. This will bring the total number of offices with the e-customs service around the country to 36. Eventually authorities aim to offer the service in 70 percent of […]

Vietnam Considers Removing Limit on Petroleum Trading Licenses


Jul. 9 – The Prime Minister’s Taskforce on Administrative Reform is recommending that the five year limit on petroleum trading licenses be removed to cut down on administrative procedures. The group advises shortening the time it takes to grant a petroleum license from 30 days to 20 days. Regular performance reports by petroleum importers and […]

World Bank: Vietnam Performed Well Despite Global Crisis


Jul. 6 – A World Bank report released in June lauded Vietnam’s progress in 2009 saying that the country had navigated the global crisis better than many other nations. The report attributes this to the government’s flexibility in the face of rapidly changing economic conditions. Vietnam’s GDP grew by 5.3 percent in 2009, even registering […]

Broad Application of Economic Needs Test Hinders Foreign Retail Investment in Vietnam


Jul. 2 – Vietnam’s broad application of a special tool allowed for World Trade Organization members to curb market access has hindered major foreign retail companies from entering the country, market analysts are saying. “We talked to some international distributors who are interested in Vietnam’s market like Walmart. They said that they will only come […]

Largest Casino in Vietnam Closes Over Permit Violations


Jun. 30 – The biggest casino in the country has been ordered to shut down due to permit violations. Located in Danang, the casino is a joint-venture between U.S.-based Silver Shores and Hoang Dat of Hanoi. Hoang Dat Silver Shores International Entertainment Co. will only be allowed to reopen the casino and hotel complex after […]

Deadline for 2009 Personal Income Tax Extended


Jun. 18 – Authorities have extended the deadline for 2009 personal income tax (PIT) finalization from May 31 to July 31, 2010. Official Letter 7209/BTC-TCT is the second deadline extension announced for the year. Personal income tax in Vietnam is computed on the average monthly taxable income (divided by 6) and monthly tax rates.

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