Legal & Regulatory

Open for Business: Vietnam Clarifies Economic Needs Testing for Foreign Retailers


At a March 28th consultation and dialogue with businesses located in Vietnam, discussions focused on economic needs testing (ENT) criteria for the establishment of retail outlets.

Vietnam Applies “Single Door” Mechanism to Customs Process


Recently, Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) has announced its intention to implement a national “single door” customs mechanism. The MIT believes that the implementation of the new online system will “facilitate smooth information flow, avoiding repeated information, reducing paper-work volume, promoting goods flow, saving time and cost[s] for [the] business community, and improving economic efficiency for society.”

Vietnam Issues New Work Permit Regulations for Foreign Employees


The Vietnamese government has recently released a new Circular on the procedures a foreign worker must adhere to in order to be considered for a work permit. Circular 03/2014 tightens the regulations for foreign workers seeking to come to Vietnam.

Vietnamese Regulations on Certificates of Free Sale


Regulations covering the Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) were devised under Decision No. 10/2010/QD-TTg promulgated on February 2, 2010. The laws went into effect on May 1, 2010 and required businesses to provide CFS that are issued by exporting countries or territories that verify that the product is manufactured and freely sold in the country where it is manufactured.

Proper Procedure for VAT Filing in Vietnam


In this article, we highlight the key components of Vietnam’s VAT system and outline the proper procedure for filing.

Vietnam Regulatory Update


Vietnam regulatory updates for the areas of Tax, VAT, and Import/Export Issues.

Vietnam Issues Circular 219 on VAT


The Vietnamese government has recently released Circular 219. The Circular contains guidance on the implementation of the new VAT Decree 209.

Circular 219 is effective retroactively to January 1, 2014 and is a replacement for Circular 06/2012.

Vietnam Issues Revised Law to Improve Local Investment Climate


Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment has recently announced that it has completed a draft of the country’s amended Investment Law. The goal of the amendment is to continue the process of improving the country’s investment climate. The amended law is expected to be approved by the National Assembly at the end of 2014.

Vietnam’s VAT Law for the Financial Sector


In this article, we examine the VAT implications for a number of goods and services listed under the Financial category in Vietnam’s VAT law.

Further Guidance on the Finalization of Personal Income Tax (PIT)


Official Dispatch No.230/TCT-TNCN dated January 17th 2012 issued by The General Department of Taxation provides further guidance on 2011 PIT finalization.

Showing 10 of 490 articles
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