Airfares for Overseas Employees Working in Vietnam Not Subject to Personal Income Tax
On May 15, Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance released Official Letter 6375/BTC-TCT which clarified that airfares and related expenses provided to overseas employees for travel between their foreign location and Vietnam are not subject to Personal Income tax.
Enterprise Law 2005 Amendments Under Discussion
Amendments to the Enterprise Law 2005 are projected to be passed at the 13th National Assembly this October. These draft amendments have received significant attention and opinions from related departments, economic experts and enterprises.
Circular 39/2014 Issued on Invoicing Regulations in Vietnam
Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance has issued Circular 39/2014 to provide guidance on invoicing regulations, replacing Circular 64/2013. The new Circular will come into effect from June 1, 2014. The content in the new Circular regards amendments to invoice self-printing and the tightening of the scope of entities allowed to self-print invoices.
Ho Chi Minh City Cracks Down on Work Permits
The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs has announced that foreign workers in the city will have to apply for new work licenses when their work permits expire and will not be able to get an extension.
Vietnam to Pursue Draft Amendments to Business Laws
Vietnam’s government is seeking to issue draft amendments to a number of laws in order to help streamline business activities and make existing regulations easier to understand. These laws include the Law on Enterprises, the Bankruptcy Law, and changes to regulations surrounding the Law on Social Insurance.
Vietnam to Provide Economic Assistance to Foreign Firms Affected by Recent Riots
In response to the recent violence against foreign factories in Vietnam, the government has released a number of pieces of legislation aimed at restoring order and helping companies rebuild. The two main legal documents are Circular 01/CD-BTC and Circular No. 207/TB-VP.
Draft Amendment to Vietnam’s Investment Law Seeks to Improve Business Environment
During a recent meeting organized by Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment, discussions focused on draft amendments to the country’s Investment Law in order to “improve the investment environment and increase benefits for investors and businesses.”
State Bank of Vietnam Issues New Circular on Foreign Investment
Recently, the State Bank of Vietnam issued Circular No. 05/2014/TT-NHNN, which guides the opening and use of indirect investment capital accounts for the implementation of foreign direct investment in Vietnam.
Vietnam Import/Export Regulatory Update
An update on the latest regulations and legislation affecting import and export activities in Vietnam.
An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2014 (Second Edition)
An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2014 (Second Edition) provides readers with an overview of the fundamentals of investing and conducting business in Vietnam. This guide explains the basics of company establishment, annual compliance, taxation, human resources, payroll, and social insurance in the country.