Legal & Regulatory

Trademarks in Vietnam – Part One


In part one of this multi-part series, Vietnam Briefing takes a closer look at trademarks, how to get them, and their enforcement in the country.

Vietnam News Brief: Private Car Services, New Visa Regulations, and Industry Liberalizations


This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief examines a new car hailing service, eased visa restrictions, and new industry liberalizations in Vietnam.

Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Domain Names, TPP Reforms, and New SME Incentives


This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief examines new regulations on internet domain names, reforms linked to the TPP trade deal, and a new circular on incentives for small-and-medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Roles and Responsibilities of the Legal Representative in Vietnam


Every company in Vietnam is required to have at least one Legal Representative. Picking the right individual for the role, and understanding the power and responsibilities of the position, is essential for businesses in Vietnam.

Vietnam News Brief: New Investments in Airports, Tariffs on Steel, and Regulations for Female Employees


This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief covers changes in investment in Vietnam’s airports, a new tariff on steel, and update labor regulations for female employees.

Restrictions on Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam


Thanks particularly to Vietnam’s accession to the WTO, market access for foreign companies in the country is being liberalized. That said, in certain sectors foreign direct investment continues to be restricted. In this article, we discuss how.

Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Controls on Deforestation, Eased Licensing on Cambodia-bound goods, and Interest Rates Moves


This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief focuses in on new controls for deforestation-causing projects, easier licensing for Vietnamese transporters moving goods to Cambodia, and praise for adjusting interest caps on USD deposits.

Vietnam News Brief: Tariffs on Exported Plastic Bags, e-Government, and ASEAN-China FTA


In this Vietnam Regulatory Brief, we look at some of the important regulatory changes taking place in Vietnam during the month of September, including tariffs on plastic bags, e-government programs, and the expansion of the ASEAN-China FTA.

Vietnam Regulatory Brief: U.S.-Vietnam DTA, VAT, and Online Payment of Import-Export Tax


In this Vietnam Regulatory Brief, we look at some of the important regulatory changes taking place in Vietnam during the month of July, including a U.S.-Vietnam double tax agreement, a VAT update, and online payment of import-export duties.

Starting a Business Under the New Law on Enterprises: Company Seals and Bank Accounts


The Law on Enterprises 2014, which came into effect on July 1, 2015, has altered the processes associated with one of the most intriguing features of doing business in Vietnam – the company seal, affixed by using a “chop”.

Showing 10 of 490 articles
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  • Getting Your Goods to Market in Vietnam
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  • Vietnam’s Logistics Sector: Opportunities in Air, Sea, and Land Connectivity
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2023
  • Vietnam's HR Landscape, Compliance, and Recruitment
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