Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Nurtition, Special Sales Tax, and Updated Requirements for Representative Offices
In this edition of Vietnam Regualtory Brief we highlight nutritional standards for Vietnmese food, discuss changes to Special Sales Tax, and analyze the impact of shifting requirements for Represeantiave Offices.
Streaming in High Definition: The Guide to Paid TV Compliance in Vietnam
With internet penetration increasing annually by 10 percent, opportunities abound for internet based services within the Vietnamese market. In this article, Vietnam Briefing outlines laws, guidance, and issues of compliance surrounding the provision of streaming video services within Vietnam.
Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Updated Vehicle Codes, Netflix in Hot Water, and What to Make of Loosening Gambling Restrictions
This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief examines updated safety requirements for car owners, compliance issues for Paid TV providers, and emerging opportunities in Vietnam’s gambling industry.
Decree 118/2015: A Guide to Vietnam’s Evolving BIT Policy
After months of delay by Vietnamese authorities, Decree 118/2015 became effective last November. One of the most important areas of treaty guidance under the aforementioned decree concerns overlapping investment agreements.
Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Preferential Customs Treatment, Interest Rate Decrease for Dollar Deposits, and GM Food Labelling
This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief examines new preferential customs treatment for companies in compliance in Vietnam, an elimination of interest on dollar denominated deposits, and new labeling for GM foods.
Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Import and Export Procedures, Changes to the Investment Law, and VAT Holidays
This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief examines new, eased import/export procedures, changes to Vietnam’s Investment Law, and a VAT holiday for troubled investments.
Trademarks in Vietnam – Part Two
In terms of obtaining a trademark, Vietnam is like many of its ASEAN neighbors in adopting a “first to file” registration system. In this article, we examine both national and international strategies for trademark protection in Vietnam.
Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Pharmaceuticals, Eased Visa Restrictions for US Citizens, and the Finance Ministry’s e-Portal
This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief examines new, streamlined regulations for pharmaceutical companies, possible eased visa restrictions for US businessmen, and an unveiled e-portal for Vietnam’s finance ministry.
Vietnam Regulatory Brief: New Machinery Import Regulations, Gambling at Airports, and Publicly Listed Company Disclosures
This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief examines new allowances for the import of used machinery, a push for slot machines at airports, and new disclosure requirements for publicly traded companies.
Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Minimum Wage Hikes, Business License Fines, a New Circular on Mineral Exports, and Auto Part Tax Cuts
This edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief examines new minimum wage rules, a crackdown on incorrect business licenses, and a new draft circular on mineral exports.