Legal & Regulatory

Spain, Poland, Italy, Hungary Pharma Companies Gain Equal Access to Vietnam Market


Spain, Poland, Italy, and Hungary can now access the Vietnamese pharma market the same way as their EU counterparts. Here’s what’s changed.

How are Foreign Investors Responding to Vietnam’s New Data Localization Regulation


Vietnam’s new cybersecurity law which requires businesses to store data locally will come into effect on October 1. Vietnam Briefing discusses its impact.

How to Set Up an NGO in Vietnam


Investors looking to set up an NGO in Vietnam need to carefully study the regulatory environment including the recently released Decree 58.

Vietnam Amends Intellectual Property Law: Plan for January 2023


Vietnam Briefing highlights the recent amendments to the Intellectual Property Law coming into effect in January 2023.

Vietnam Introduces Administrative Sanctions for Environmental Violations: Decree 45


Vietnam Briefing discusses Decree 45 on administrative sanctions for environmental violations and what businesses must do to comply.

Import, Export, and Investment Incentives in Vietnam


Vietnam Briefing highlights import-export regulations for FDI enterprises in Vietnam as well as favorable tax and investment incentives.

Changing Your Company Name in Vietnam: A Guide to Online Registration


Vietnam Briefing guides investors on how to change their company name in Vietnam including online registration and compliance requirements.

Vietnam Approves Long Term Strategy on Environmental Protection: Decision 450


Vietnam issued Decision 450 on the government’s long-term strategy on environmental protection taking into account environmental degradation and climate change.

Vietnam Issues Guiding Regulations on Trade Remedies in RCEP: Circular 7


Vietnam Briefing details the government’s recently issued Circular 7 on how to tackle trade remedy measures for businesses using the RCEP.

Vietnam Tasks Government Agencies to Prepare Legal Framework for Cryptocurrencies, Virtual Assets


Vietnam’s Deputy PM has asked the relevant government agencies to develop a legal framework for cryptocurrencies and virtual assets.

Showing 10 of 490 articles
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Related reading
  • Digital Economy Prospects in Vietnam and Identifying Government Support
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2022
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