
Restrictions on Foreign Direct Investment in Vietnam


Thanks particularly to Vietnam’s accession to the WTO, market access for foreign companies in the country is being liberalized. That said, in certain sectors foreign direct investment continues to be restricted. In this article, we discuss how.

Import & Export in Vietnam: Key Industries & Free Trade Agreements


The new issue of Vietnam Briefing magazine, titled “Import & Export in Vietnam: Key Industries & Free Trade Agreements”, is out now and available as a complimentary download in the Asia Briefing Bookstore.

Terminating an Employee in Vietnam


Vietnam’s employee-friendly business environment is reflected in the degree of protection employees have from termination. In this article, we will explain when an employee may be terminated, which procedures need to be followed, and discuss severance payment.

State by State – Vietnam and Colorado Trade


International trade is a significant factor in the economy of Colorado, where 43,615 jobs were supported by goods exports in 2014, a significance amplified by the need to plug its trade deficit, which stood at US$5.9 billion in 2014.

Vietnam to Give Certain Automobiles a Special Consumption Tax Rebate


Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance has announced that certain automobiles, depending on their engine displacement values, will receive a special consumption tax (SCT) rebate beginning July 1, 2016. However, other cars will see a higher tax compared to their current levels.

In Bid to Protect Exports, Vietnam Devalues Dong for the Third Time this Year


For the third time this year, the country’s central bank, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) has devalued Vietnam’s currency, the dong. The recent move comes as the country seeks a way to maintain its export competitiveness, particularly after the recent devaluations of the Chinese yuan and continuing worries about a U.S. Federal Reserve rate increase.

Vietnam and the EU Reach Agreement in Principle on FTA


On Tuesday, Vietnam and the European Union reached an agreement in principle on a free trade agreement (FTA) that would remove most tariffs on goods, among other benefits. This is the first such agreement that the EU has concluded with a developing country, such as Vietnam.

Vietnam in the UK’s Pivot to ASEAN


David Cameron has made the first trip to Vietnam of any serving UK Prime Minister, signaling a pivot of the UK towards the booming ASEAN region, in which Vietnam is forecast to sustain real GDP growth of over five percent per annum to 2030.

State by State: Vietnam and Arizona Trade


Trade relations between Arizona and Vietnam are growing steadily. Imports to Arizona from Vietnam reached US$105 million in 2014, having risen 21.6 percent in value from 2013, ranking the country as the 19th most important origin for imports in 2014.

State by State: Vietnam and Virginia Trade


Trade relations between Vietnam and Virginia are growing in importance. Virginia imported US$552 million from Vietnam in 2014, up 17 percent from 2013 and ranking the country in 13th place as an origin of the state’s imports.

Showing 10 of 1054 articles
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Related reading
  • Getting Your Goods to Market in Vietnam
  • Investing in Vietnam’s Startup Sector
  • Vietnam’s Logistics Sector: Opportunities in Air, Sea, and Land Connectivity
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2023
  • Vietnam's HR Landscape, Compliance, and Recruitment
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