
The TPP’s Rules of Origin and Key Tariff Reductions


The Trans-Pacific Partnership – TTP – is a comprehensive FTA agreed to earlier this year. As such, its main goal is to progressively reduce imports and exports duties, and Vietnam is due to benefit from reduced tariffs and rules of origin.

Trademarks in Vietnam – Part Two


In terms of obtaining a trademark, Vietnam is like many of its ASEAN neighbors in adopting a “first to file” registration system. In this article, we examine both national and international strategies for trademark protection in Vietnam.

State by State – Vietnam and Connecticut Trade


One state which has seen its trade with Vietnam likewise grow is Connecticut, long a bastion for services and high end manufacturing. The state has become a major player in trade with ASEAN, something set to increase in the coming years.

State by State – Vietnam and Pennsylvania Trade


With a GDP of around US $663 million as of Q3 of 2015, the state of Pennsylvania is ranked as the United States’ sixth largest state economy, as such its trade with Vietnam is an area of intense interest.

Trademarks in Vietnam – Part One


In part one of this multi-part series, Vietnam Briefing takes a closer look at trademarks, how to get them, and their enforcement in the country.

State by State – Vietnam and Ohio Trade


Ohio is the 7th largest economy in the US and a big part of this has been thanks to the trade relationships Ohio-based companies have formed with other countries. One such key partner for the state is Vietnam

Vietnam’s Product Self-Certification Pilot Scheme Explained


A new circular from the Vietnamese authorities expands their country’s product self-certification scheme in ASEAN, bringing with it tangible benefits for foreign trade and investors in the country.

The Roles and Responsibilities of the Legal Representative in Vietnam


Every company in Vietnam is required to have at least one Legal Representative. Picking the right individual for the role, and understanding the power and responsibilities of the position, is essential for businesses in Vietnam.

Close Ties: FDI Flows from Italy into Vietnam Reveal Key Economic Relationship


Italian investors are showing an increasing interest in Vietnam. The number of Italian investments in the Southeast-Asian country are increasing year by year, as is the size of overall trade between the two economic partners.

The Seafood Industry in Vietnam – Aquaculture, Five Year Plans, and the TPP


Vietnam has implemented a five-year plan, to be completed in 2020, which will boost investment and build major fishing centers in five provinces. Overall, the seafood industry is still a vital exchange earner for Vietnam.

Showing 10 of 1054 articles
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Related reading
  • Import and Export in Vietnam
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2018-19
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