
TPP Perceptions in Vietnam: Insights from Indochina Research


In Partnership with Indochina Research, this edition of Vietnam Briefing discusses recent survey data on awareness and support levels for TPP among the Vietnamese population. Read more for detailed insights on the demographics and regional distribution of these figures.

Vietnam Market Watch: Thai Imports, Growing US trade, and the Emergence of E-commerce


In this edition of Vietnam Market Watch we highlight the growth and popularity of Thai consumer goods, discuss the growing trade partnership between the US and Vietnam, and analyze developments in Vietnamese E-commerce.

Circular 59: Updates to Vietnam’s Social Insurance Scheme


The following article looks at the impact of Circular 59 on your business. Read more to find out how and where the Vietnamese government’s attempts to cut costs have passed on this burden to the private sector.

Tax, Accounting and Audit in Vietnam 2016 – NEW PUBLICATION FROM VIETNAM BRIEFING


This concise, detailed, yet pragmatic guide is ideal for CFOs, compliance officers and heads of accounting who need to be able to navigate the complex tax and accounting landscape in Vietnam in order to effectively manage and strategically plan their Vietnam operations.

Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Nurtition, Special Sales Tax, and Updated Requirements for Representative Offices


In this edition of Vietnam Regualtory Brief we highlight nutritional standards for Vietnmese food, discuss changes to Special Sales Tax, and analyze the impact of shifting requirements for Represeantiave Offices.

Vietnam’s FDI Outlook for 2016: Trends and Opportunities


Vietnam’s rapid pace of integration into global commerce is likely to yield unparalleled opportunities and record foreign investment in the near to medium term. The following article outlines key findings from some of the first FDI data released by the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Investment

Vietnam Market Watch: Lottery Mergers, Surging FDI, and The State of E-Commerce


In this edition of Vietnam Market Watch we highlight watershed foreign investments in Vietnam’s lottery industry, showcase surging FDI, and break down the strengths and weaknesses of Vietnamese e-commerce.

Understanding Vietnam’s Recruiting Requirements


In an effort to clarify uncertainty surrounding Vietnam’s recruitment agency requirements , the following article focuses on entities that must use recruiting services, which types of recruiters may be engaged by such organizations, and how to make the most of the recruiting process

Vietnam Regualtory Brief: Real Estate Trading, Pending Power Market Compliance, and Environmental Tax Cuts 


In this edition of Vietnam Regulatory Brief we highlight requirements for real estate trading floors, take a look at the prospects for future regulation in the Vietnamese power market, and discuss new duty reductions aimed at incentivizing environmentally friendly investment. 

Vietnamese CIT: How to Unlock Your Investment’s True Potential


Corporate Income Taxation (CIT) is a constant for companies of all sizes, regardless of their jurisdiction. With this in the mind, the following article outlines the manner in which corporate taxation is currently applied within Vietnam. We outline applicable rates, highlight possible deductions, and give insight on the manner in which income is calculated.

Showing 10 of 1054 articles
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Related reading
  • Getting Your Goods to Market in Vietnam
  • Investing in Vietnam’s Startup Sector
  • Vietnam’s Logistics Sector: Opportunities in Air, Sea, and Land Connectivity
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2023
  • Vietnam's HR Landscape, Compliance, and Recruitment
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