
Vietnamese Labor Under TPP: A Guide to Commitments and Compliance


Vietnam is on its way to being the largest beneficiary of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. However, in order to gain access to these reductions, Vietnam is expected to comply with labor standards outlined in the agreement as well as specific commitments made under the US-VN Plan for Enhancement of Trade and Labor Relations.

Vietnam Market Watch: HSBC Growth Projections, Bank Hacking Attempts, and Obama’s Upcoming Trip to Vietnam


In this weeks Vietnam Market Watch we highlight HSBC’s growth projections for Vietnamese Manufacturing, discuss bank hacking attempts in Tien Phong, and analyze the implications of Obama’s upcoming trip to Vietnam.

Mass Fish Deaths and the Future of Environmental Regulation in Vietnam


Environmental laws are on the agenda after public criticism of the government’s failure to protect the environment from industrial pollution. In this article, we examine Vietnam’s current environmental regulations as well as the potential for future change in the face of recent disasters.

Managing Corporate Name Infringement in Vietnam


Protecting your brand reputation is an integral party of any overseas expansion. Read more to understand the risks presented by name infringement in Vietnam, and learn how to make use of updated legal protections issued under recent circulars.

LG to Invest US $1.5 Billion in Vietnamese Electronics Production


On ­­­­May 6, LG Display Group, a subsidiary of South Korea’s LG Electronics, pledged $1.5 billion USD to establish a screen factory in Hai Phong. Read more for a look into electronics production in Vietnam and how to make the most of potential investments.

Vietnam Regulatory Brief: Business Climate Improvements, Foreign Currency Credit, and Auto Import Taxation


In this week’s Vietnam Regulatory Brief we highlight efforts to improve vietnamese business competitiveness, analyze recent limitations on foreign currency lending, and discuss rising discontent with auto taxation.

Remitting Profits from Vietnam – New Publication From Vietnam Briefing


Remitting profits from Vietnam, out now and available for download in the Asia Briefing Bookstore, explains how to remit profits effectively. It examines relevant restrictions on remittances, outlines the steps required to remit profits, and presents a case study on managing accounts to ensure liquidity.

Vietnamese Growth Slows to 5.46% in Q1 2016


Following explosive growth in 2015, Vietnam’s Q1 economic data shows signs of cooling. Although garnering significant media attention and representing salient risks for particular industries, it is clear that many sectors remain profitable and primed for investment.

Vietnam Market Watch: Mobile Gaming, Garment Industry, and S&P Growth Projections


In this week’s Vietnam Market Watch, we discuss the emergence of Vietnam’s mobile gaming industry, analyze recently published development plans from the garment industry, and highlight S&P’s latest outlook on the Vietnamese economy.

The Guide to Drafting PPP Proposals and Feasibility Studies in Vietnam


On March 1st, 2016, the Vietnamese Ministry of Planning and Interior passed Circular 02/2016/TT-BKHDT regarding the preparation and appraisal of PPP project proposals and feasibility studies. Read more for specific requirements and methods of evaluation for both reports.

Showing 10 of 1054 articles
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