
Vietnam – Hong Kong Opportunities Abound As Bilateral Trade Expands


Hong Kong is Vietnam’s fifth largest investor with growing bilateral trade in multiple sectors. Here’s a brief overview of their relationship.

Bookkeeping for Tax Compliance Purposes in Vietnam


In the event of an audit, accurate tax records can be crucial in ensuring the process is as smooth and quick as possible. In this article, Vietnam Briefing breaks down the requirements for accounting records in Vietnam.

Investing in Logistics Businesses in Vietnam for Foreign Firms


An evermore important link in global supply chains, getting goods into, around, and out of Vietnam quickly and easily is becoming increasingly important. In this article, we look at the regulations around investing in logistics services in Vietnam.

National Assembly Working Group Talks Trade in Portugal


Members of Vietnam’s National Assembly on a working visit to Europe this week met with key decision-makers in Portugal. Here’s what they discussed and what trade looks like between Portugal and Vietnam.

Investment Opportunities in Vietnam’s Dairy Sector


Vietnam’s dairy sector is experiencing strong sales growth on the back of a middle-class that is expanding by the day. In this article, Vietnam Briefing examines opportunities in the sector for foreign firms but also the hurdles they may face.

Vietnam’s National Program for Increasing Labor Productivity: Key Takeaways


Last week, the Prime Minister of Vietnam approved the National Program for Increasing Labor Productivity to 2030. Here is how Vietnam intends to improve productivity in its workforce.

An Overview of Vietnam’s Environmental Protection Tax


On the books since 2010, Vietnam’s Environmental Protection Tax has been a key pillar of Vietnam’s transition to a cleaner, greener economy. In this article, we break down the key details foreign investors should know.

Refurbished Goods, Vietnam, and the CPTPP: Unpacked


Broadly speaking, Vietnam has been averse to importing secondhand goods. However, this may soon change with refurbished goods clauses in several next-generation free trade agreements. Here’s how local regulations on the import of refurbished goods are shaping up with respect to the CPTPP.

A Vietnam Olympics? Investment and Opportunities


It was recently suggested that closer ties between the US and Vietnam could pave the way for Vietnam to host the Olympics. So, is the prospect of Vietnam hosting the world’s biggest sporting event realistic? And, if so, how could foreign investors play a role in making it happen?

The Future of Vietnam’s Pharmaceutical Industry: Unpacked


As a result of Vietnamese consumers having more money to spend on their healthcare, Vietnam’s pharmaceutical industry is booming. Here’s how Vietnam plans to manage that boom between now and 2030, and where it might be by 2045.

Showing 10 of 1054 articles
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